The billboard is right.
In Colossians it does say:
“Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything…” Similar messages appear in
Ephesians and Titus.
But the Bible also speaks
against slavery.
In Galatians, it says:
“in Christ there is no longer slave or free, for all are one in Christ Jesus.”
Now how are we as
Christians – as people of the book – supposed to make sense of these
contradictions? Do these contradictions completely undermine the authority of
scripture in our lives? Atheists point out biblical commands for slaves to obey
their masters as proof that the Bible is a poor guide to morality and that
religion is a sham. I don’t think anyone here would support slavery in any
form, but what do we do with Biblical passages that do support slavery?
Back in the day,
slaveholders often quoted the Bible to support their views that slavery should
be allowed to exist. Meanwhile, abolitionists and civil rights leaders quoted
the Bible to demand equal treatment and equal rights.
How do we make sense of
Once upon a time, I used
to get frustrated by contradictions like these; but now, I actually love that there are these contradictions
in the Bible.
The reason I think it is
good to have contradictions is that these contradictions do not allow anyone to
be lazy with their faith.
And they look for
churches where the pastor will say, “believe this, believe that, don’t question
it, don’t think about it. It’s all black and white.”
And they like that,
because they don’t have to think.
It makes for a very easy
faith to follow… Being a Christian is easy… as long as you don’t actually open
up your Bible and start reading it. If you do
open up your Bible and start reading, all sorts of complications start to
arise, and then you have to start figuring things out, you have to start thinking.
There are so many
examples where the Bible says one thing in one spot, and another thing in
another spot,… it’s almost as if the Bible actually wants you to think for yourself!
Ephesians, Colossians,
and Titus – those books of the Bible that tell slaves to be submissive to their
masters – those same books also tell wives to be submissive to their husbands.
But Galatians – the book
that says there is no longer slave or free – also says there is no longer male
or female… for all are one in Christ Jesus.
There is a reason why
these particular contradictions exist.
From the moment he met
Christ in a blinding flash of light, he was dedicated to preaching the gospel.
And, as we know, the gospel is always a liberating word, a word of freedom, a
word of wholeness to all those whose lives are broken and fragmented.
So it makes sense that,
in Galatians, he would argue that there is no longer slave nor free.
And it makes sense that,
in Philemon, he would instruct a friend of his to welcome back his slave as he
would welcome a brother, to welcome back this slave as if he were welcoming
Paul himself, to treat him with respect and honor and love.
In fact, Paul doesn’t
call him “the slave.” Paul uses his name. Onesimus. A slave is property, and
doesn’t deserve to be called by name. But Paul refers to him as “my child
Onesimus” and “your brother Onesimus.”
Not “the slave.”
That was radical love.
Meanwhile, those other
books that command slaves to be submissive and obedient – Ephesians,
Colossians, and Titus – they also claim to have been written by Paul.
But they weren’t really.
It was common in ancient
times for students and followers to write using their teacher’s name. After
all, they were simply putting to paper the thoughts and teachings of their
teacher, so it made sense to attach their teacher’s name to what they wrote
instead of their own.
But as I said, Paul was
one radical dude, and these followers of his… as much as they admired Paul…
they just couldn’t accept all of his
teachings. Some of them were just too
And among those things
that were too radical for them to accept were the equality of slaves and women.
Society just was not ready for such crazy, wild, radical ideas like those.
So in their writings,
even though they were writing in Paul’s name, they commanded submissiveness and obedience.
So that’s how, in this
case, we have different parts of the Bible commanding different things, even
though they all bear the name of the apostle Paul.
But how can the Bible –
“God’s word” – have contradictions?
Actually, not only can the Bible have conflicting ideas,
but the Bible must have conflicting
ideas. That’s the only way it can be,
for a gospel that is about freedom and liberation. In a gospel of freedom and
liberation, there is always the freedom of choice. A person who just wants to
be told what to believe, so that they don’t have to think for themselves, they
are giving up that freedom of choice. They are enslaving themselves to a
You’ve gotta have the
freedom to choose. If Colin Kaepernick can’t choose to sit, then exercising the
freedom to stand doesn’t mean a thing. Without a choice, there’s no thinking
involved. Being able to choose allows you to think about why you are standing,
or sitting.
In reading about equality
and submissiveness, we are given a choice: we can choose either the radical
equality that Paul the apostle wrote about, or we can choose submissive
inequality that some of his followers talked about.
But to make an good
choice, we need to think. We need to pray. We need to study.
One thing is that radical
equality was practically unheard of in ancient times. Slavery was a given. Women submitting to
their husbands was a given. One wasn’t even supposed to speak to or address a
slave or a woman, except through the owner/master/husband. If you want to tell
something to a woman, you tell it to her husband, and he tells it to her. If
you want to tell something to a slave, you tell it to the owner, and he tells
it to the slave. You don’t speak directly.
Yet Jesus and Paul did
just that. They broke with convention, and spoke directly to women and to
slaves. In doing so, they treated them as equals.
Another thing I’ve
learned is that Paul wrote his letter to Philemon while he himself was in
prison. It’s not surprising that someone who proclaimed such radical ideas
would end up behind bars.
Now maybe, if you were a
follower of Paul, you might not be as willing to go to prison as he was… so
maybe, in conveying Paul’s thoughts, you might leave out or change some of his
more radical ideas. Telling slaves and women to be submissive was not radical.
It was the status quo. But speak of equality? That is radical. Maybe you’d want to tone that down a little bit…
Something else I have
observed as a result of my study of the Bible: Although there are
contradictions, there are – at the same time – certain trends that appear. For
example, there is a trend – a movement – from exclusivity to inclusivity. Early
on in the Old Testament, there are prohibitions against people from Moab,
people from Uz, people from any foreign nation, and people who were sexually
different. One by one, in later scriptures, these prohibitions are challenged.
In the New Testament, we
see a movement that begins small, and spreads outward to include more and more
people. There is a geographical movement that starts in Jerusalem, spreads to
Judea and Samaria, and then to the ends of the earth.
The direction of this movement
seems clear. We would miss that if all we had was one, simple, black-and-white
Martin Luther King Jr
talked about the moral arc of the universe, and how it bends toward justice.
From the time of the earliest scriptures until now, thousands of years have
passed. Because scripture does not present a simple, black-and-white answer to
everything, we can see that arc bending, and we can plot out its trajectory to
today and follow its path. It may have passed through submissiveness and inequality,
but it bends in scripture and continues to bend today toward equality and
justice and freedom.
But you still have that
Does the Bible command
submissiveness? Yes. And there are people, even today, who will quote the Bible
in support of their views on submissiveness.
But the Bible also
commands equality.
Which command you follow
is up to you.
You have that choice. You
have that freedom.
But after study and
prayer, after considering that the most basic, central command in scripture is
to “love God and love one’s neighbor,” after studying and contemplating the
moral arc and seeing how it bends… I can only choose equality.
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