Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Afraid of Something New

Starting something new, making a big change, or doing something different, is scary. Did you know I almost didn’t go to Brazil because of my fear? I’d never flown so far, I’d never had to navigate customs by myself, I’d never arrived by myself in a land where I didn’t speak the language, I’d never been apart from my family for so long… That’s just a few of the new, scary things that I’d be doing for the first time! I really thought that, maybe, I should just stay home and do what was familiar and safe: just relax at my dining room table and drink tea for 16 days. That way, I wouldn’t have to face the fear and anxiety of doing something new and different.
Fortunately I had bought my plane ticket six months in advance, and I wasn’t going to waste that $700. So I went. My fear and anxiety couldn’t stop me. I had to pack extra deodorant in my carry-on, but I went.
And of course, I ended up having one of the most amazing experiences of my life!
Life is full of potential changes: Starting a new job. Moving to a new city. Creating a new living arrangement. Developing new eating habits & exercise routines for our health. Finding new ways to do church.
What positive change do you need to make? What new activity or behavior do you need to start? What idea has been lurking in the back of your mind, hidden away by your desire to stick with what’s safe and familiar?
How can you work through that fear and anxiety, and make the change?

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